Email Accounts

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SupraNet's mail server allows our customers to add, delete, and modify mail settings for your domains.

Logging In

If you have been supplied with an administrative username and password, you can log in at to access your domain's settings.

Adding Accounts

  1. Click on "Add, delete and manage POP/IMAP accounts" from the main menu.
  2. Click "Add User" from the navigation bar on the left.
  3. Enter the information for the user.
    • Name: The name displayed on outgoing emails from webmail, as well as the name displayed in the administrative list of email addresses. (Required)
    • Address: The name of the user, ie. the someone in (Required)
    • Password: The user's password. (Required)
    • Verify Password: Verify user's password.
    • Mailbox Quota (100 Mb Max): The maximum storage space for the mailbox. This value can be modified by the admin, but cannot exceed 100MB.
    • Has domain admin privileges?" Check this if you would like the user to have administrative privileges for your domain.
    • Maximum message size: This is the maximum size limit for messages sent from this account.
    • Enabled: Enable or disable the account. Accounts that have been disabled cannot be accessed by the users, and mail sent to them will be rejected by the server.
  4. Click the Submit button to finish creating your new user.

Deleting Accounts

  1. Click on "Add, delete and manage POP/IMAP accounts" from the main menu.
  2. In the list of accounts, click the trash can icon next to the name you wish to delete.
  3. Select "Delete" and click the Continue button.

Changing Account Settings

  1. Click on "Add, delete and manage POP/IMAP accounts" from the main menu.
  2. Click on the name of the account you'd like to modify.
  3. Field explanations:
    • Name: The name displayed on outgoing emails from webmail, as well as the name displayed in the administrative list of email addresses.
    • Password: The user's password.
    • Verify Password: Verify user's password.
    • Mailbox Quota (100 Mb Max): The maximum storage space for the mailbox. This value can be modified by the admin, but cannot exceed 100MB.
    • Admin: Check this if you would like the user to have administrative privileges for your domain.
    • Maximum message size: This is the maximum size limit for messages sent from this account.
    • Enabled: Enable or disable the account. Accounts that have been disabled cannot be accessed by the users, and mail sent to them will be rejected by the server.
    • Vacation on: Check this box if you would like have an automatic reply sent from the account when messages are received.
    • Vacation message: This is the message that will be sent if Vacation on has been checked. The message cannot exceed 1024 characters.
    • Forwarding on: Check this box if you would like mail for this account to be forwarded to another address. If this box is checked without the Forward mail to: field set, mail will be delivered to the account as usual.
    • Forward mail to: If mail will be going to someone outside of your domain, the full address will need to specified in the text box. If mail is being forwarded to someone within your domain, you can select the address from the dropdown list.
    • Store Forwarded Mail Locally: Check this box if you would like a copy of all forwarded mail to be saved in the mailbox.
  4. Click the top Submit button to complete modifications to the account settings above.
  5. For alias and header blocking features:
    • Aliases to this account: If any aliases for this account have been created, they will be listed here. Click on an existing alias to modify it.
    • Add a new header blocking filter for this user: Specify keywords that will cause the server to reject mail based on keywords.
  6. Click the bottom Submit button to complete these modifications to the account.